retirement income

Depending on the nature of their retirement income, the death of the first spouse may impact their retirement income and it is important to understand what the surviving spouse would receive in terms of income going forward. It’s also important
Your proximity to children, grandchildren and family, bearing in mind that if you do not intend to live close to your loved ones you will need to build travel costs into your post-retirement budget.
Unlike a life annuity (which is an insurance policy designed to provide a guaranteed income for life), a living annuity is an investment held in the investor’s name which is generally linked to an underlying investment on a LISP platform
Life annuities generally cease to exist on the death of the policyholder, except in the case of joint life annuities in which case the surviving spouse will continue to receive an annuity income for the remainder of his life or
Through the retirement fund harmonisation process, the options at retirement have been streamlined across pension, provident and retirement annuity funds, although there remain certain technicalities when dealing with the vested benefits in respect of provident fund contributions made prior to
Ideally, avoid using rules of thumb when determining your post-retirement income needs, and consider your actual situation. Firstly, make a list of those expenses that are likely to fall away when you retire, such as bond and car repayments, long-term
In the process of determining your retirement income, don’t neglect to consider the capital outlays you might face during your retirement. If you have adult children living abroad, budgeting for overseas travel – specifically during the early part of your
If your parents are fortunate enough to still have each other, it’s important to have conversations about what would happen in the event of one of them passing. Depending on the nature of their retirement income, the death of the
The transition from full-time work or employment to full-time retirement is a notoriously difficult one, with boredom, lack of fulfillment, and depression being common amongst retirees. Be realistic about what a ‘day in the life’ of your retirement will look
Even once their adult children have their own homes and families, many retirees choose to hold on to the family home for sentimental reasons rather than downscaling to a more manageable-sized property. If the longer-term plan is to ultimately downscale