revocation clause
To avoid any doubt or confusion as to who the testator is, make sure that your will includes your full name and ID number. Many families make use of family names that get past through generations resulting in multiple members
Remember, the residue of your estate is what is left after all debts and estate costs have been paid, and after all, bequests have been made, so it is important to ensure that the inheritance intended for your heirs is
You must ensure that there is no sizeable gap between the last paragraph of your Will and your signature, as this can lead to your Will being declared invalid. A significant gap can provide fraudsters and those will ill-intent opportunity
In order for your Will to be valid and to avoid contestation, ensure that you sign your Will in the presence of your witnesses and that you, in turn, watch them witness your signature. The validity of your Will can
A revocation clause is a paragraph inserted in your Will which revokes all other Wills that you have ever drafted and declares the current Will to be your Last Will and Testament. Although a testator is not legally required to
A distinct advantage of drafting a separate Will for your foreign assets is that you can ensure that the Will fully complies with the laws of the country in which your assets are situated, and that no complications arise.