severe illness

In the past, severe illness cover terminated at age 65. However, most insurers now provide you with the option to select whole-of-life cover which means that your benefit continues for as long as you are alive and paying your premiums
Our ability to afford dread disease cover both now and into the future is paramount, so pay particular attention to your premium pattern and how you can expect your premiums to escalate over time. Importantly, ensure that your dread disease
Life insurance can play an important role in creating liquidity in your deceased estate and ensuring that the forced sale of assets after your death is avoided – keeping in mind that estate solvency is different from estate liquidity. While
For most people, their ability to build wealth is largely dependent on generating an income. If illness or injury renders you unable to work or perform your occupation, you may find yourself in a position where you are unable to
If you are left in a vegetative medical condition from which there is no hope of recovery, the onus will fall on your loved ones to make difficult decisions regarding your medical care – including whether to remove you from
When you take out your cover, you can choose a premium pattern that suits your needs. Most insurers offer level premiums, compulsory premiums, and age-rated premiums, all of which serve a different purpose depending on your specific needs.
Understanding exactly how your benefit is structured is important as it generally impacts on your other long-term insurance benefits. At the outset, it is essential to know whether your benefit is a standalone or supplementary benefit, or whether it is
Before making the decision to emigrate, it is advisable to review your plan to ensure that you fully understand the financial impact of doing so. Regardless of where you intend relocating to, emigration is an enormously expensive undertaking that requires
When contemplating taking out dread disease cover, give consideration to the level of medical aid cover you enjoy. Remember, the purpose of dread disease cover is to provide you with financial assistance in the event of diagnosis to help with
If you own shares in a business together with other shareholders, it is advisable to put what is termed buy-and-sell cover in place on the lives of the shareholders – specifically where you have a large portion of your wealth