tax clearance certificate

A Rand-based offshore investment is the simpler of the two options as you do not need to convert your money into another currency. By investing through a local, reputable LISP platform which has a mandate to invest in foreign assets,
From an income tax perspective, as a South African resident, you will have to pay tax on the interest and dividends earned on your foreign-domiciled investments. This is because South Africa uses a residency-based system to calculate tax, and South
Whether or not to financially emigrate depends entirely on your circumstances, the nature of your assets, and what you intend to achieve by undergoing the process. If you are unsure whether you are going to live and work permanently abroad,
Once your financial emigration has been finalised, your South African bank account will be re-assigned for exchange control purposes as an emigrant’s capital account and will be subject to South African exchange control rules. The proceeds of the sale of