tax-free savings account
The tax benefits achieved by investing in tax-free investments are not realised early on which means that these vehicles do not make good emergency funds. The value of the tax benefit in the first five years of investing is incredibly
If you are an individual investor, you can use your annual capital gains tax exemption, being the first R40 000 of gains made on your investment portfolio, to rebalance their portfolios if necessary.
Saving for retirement may feel like an impossibility for a single parent, especially when your children are younger and the continuous stream of expenses seems insurmountable. It may help to remind yourself that saving for retirement is a long-term process
A power of attorney is a formal document by which a person (the principal) authorises another (the agent) to conclude juristic acts on his behalf. By signing a power of attorney, the principal indicates to third parties that he will
Debt is a mantel that can burden you daily. Being overly-indebted can be a dark place to be and a difficult place from which to escape. While you’re servicing expensive debt, such as credit card and retail debt, it is
Endowments are complex investment policies that generally cater for investors with a marginal tax rate of 30% or more and can also make useful estate planning tools. As the policyholder, you can elect who the life assured and nominate beneficiaries
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) own income-producing property such shopping centres, office blocks, factories, warehouses, hotels and student accommodation, to name just a few. REITs provide investors with a lower-risk investment model with a diversified portfolio of properties. REITs are
While contributions to TFSAs are not tax-deductible, the real benefits lie in the fact that all growth and income received on your investment are free from tax, meaning that you will not be liable for CGT, dividends withholding tax or
It is important to be clear on what your investment is earmarked for, and this can be established through a simple goal-setting exercise. Do you want to save for a deposit on a property, pay cash for a car, enjoy