Do everything you can to encourage their entrepreneurial ambitions by allowing them to share their ideas without fear of ridicule. Avoid responses such as ‘you’ll never make money doing that’, ‘you can’t make a career out of that’, or ‘that’s
Debt is a mantel that can burden you daily. Being overly-indebted can be a dark place to be and a difficult place from which to escape. While you’re servicing expensive debt, such as credit card and retail debt, it is
The wealth accumulation phase generally requires more robust and strategic financial planning as you intentionally work towards achieving financial freedom. With higher levels of income and a well-crafted financial plan, your financial goals should feel within reach, and you should
Using debt to buy an appreciating asset such as a house or a business is sensible because your debt will reduce while the value of your asset rises over time.
If you have a special needs child, ensuring that those assets intended for him are protected and managed in his best interests even after your passing is a critical part of generational wealth planning. Special trusts, whether testamentary or inter
Donations can be used effectively in conjunction with an inter vivos trust to reduce the value of your estate during your lifetime. By reducing the value of your estate, you will effectively reduce your estate duty liability while at the
While a budget should be bullet proof it should not be cast in stone. As your personal circumstances change, so too should you budget. Poor market returns, unrealistic goals or expectations or changing jobs may necessitate that you adjust your
Teaching children the magic of compound interest can be fun and memorable, and requires shifting the child’s focus from short-term to long-term goals.
Whether it’s dumping shares, stocking-piling toilet paper or sipping bleach, greed and fear can drive seemingly rational people to make irrational decisions, especially in times of crisis.
Think disability and our minds tend to think of the worst possible scenarios involving permanent injury and disfigurement. Rather than permanent disability, it is temporary disability or illness that we should in fact be more concerned with.