tax deduction
If you are declared insolvent, Section 37B of the Pension Funds Act provides that the funds in your retirement annuity are protected from your creditors, although this does not mean that your RA funds enjoy complete protection from creditors.
When calculating your taxable income, it is essential to consider various income sources, including rental income, dividends from real estate investment trusts (REITs), and investment income.
The tax benefits achieved by investing in tax-free investments are not realised early on which means that these vehicles do not make good emergency funds. The value of the tax benefit in the first five years of investing is incredibly
If you are an individual investor, you can use your annual capital gains tax exemption, being the first R40 000 of gains made on your investment portfolio, to rebalance their portfolios if necessary.
Funds held in retirement annuities do not form part of one’s deceased estate meaning that RAs can play a role in your overall estate plan, although it is important to understand the associated idiosyncrasies. This is because retirement annuities, being
A notable feature of LISP-based retirement annuities is that they are transparent, flexible investments that, unlike insurance-based RAs, allow investors to completely customise their contributions.
In the context of one’s estate plan, note that once the trustees have made their determination, the proceeds will be paid directly to the beneficiaries and/or nominees and, as such, these assets fall outside of the deceased estate and are
Any assets held in trust – whether inter vivos or mortis causa – do not fall into the estate of the deceased and do not attract estate duty. As such, trusts can make excellent estate planning tools, especially to house
It is important to keep in mind that any funds invested in an approved retirement fund (such as your pension fund and retirement annuities) are subject to the limitations set out in Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act which